Monday, November 20, 2006

I took Christina to Vancouver to go shopping for her birthday. We wanted to go overnight, to have a bit more time, and to be able to find a sushi place. Our friends Mark and Rebecca went with us, to celebrate a weeklong birthday extravaganza, since Rebecca's birthday is a week after Christina's.

We also brought Courtney's friend Phoebe, who is adorable and the two of them had a blast in all the scary stores that I now feel way too old to enter. Mark and Rebecca brought their daughter Charli. Six girls shopping, two dads (Ok, Charli was kind of sleeping and hanging out, but it is still a lot of estrogen in a mall).

The trip was great, and we had arguably our best Sushi meal ever. We got Chloe a zip up fleece jacket and some boots, a couple of shirts, and a hat (shown) which are adorable. I think Courtney and Phoebe made out like bandits. I got a cool jacket. The only two that didn't strike it rich were the two birthday girls (although Christina got two shirts).

Last night we decided to start our Holidays. Courtney watched "Elf" for the first time. We got the cutest picures of Chloe in a Santa hat. Photos coming soon.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The rain is a problem. Our roof started leaking, there is flooding all over the state, and my sister's house is in the Snoqualmie River (which is the river I proposed to Christina at).

Yes it is wet. And a bit cold. But mostly it has hindered Chloe's social life. See, in the summer- all she had to do was say "ssside", and we would open up the door to let her outside, so she could run over to the neighbors- Christian (6 1/2) and Tatum (5). She doesn't understand a need to bundle up, wear socks and shoes, and put on a hat or hood for a 20 foot trip. Besides that, she like the rain. She laughs, and giggles (which is a little laugh) and gafaws (which is a bigger laugh). And when mom and dad don't feel like bundeling, then Chloe is left inside- dry, unbundled, and bummed.

Christian and Tatum are great- and they love Chloe. They keep each other busy, and always seem to find new adventures. It is a lot of fun seeing Chloe so happy and loving the neighbors so naturally. we are proud of the little one carrying out Jesus' instructions to "love her neighbor as herself". Way to go Chloe!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Trunk or Treat

At our church we had this great event- Trunk or Treat! People parked in the parking lot, opened their trunk, an handed out treats from there. OVer 2000 folks showed up, and we ran out of candy several times. Bought everything out of Cost Cutter! Chloe was a Shooting "Silver" Star, and Charli was a pumpkin. Jury is still out on what Mark was.