Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas Card Pic

So, everyone keeps asking us about our Christmas card, and Chloe's stone cold smile. The deal is, we got all dressed up for our photo shoot, and headed to CTK to take the photos in front of the Christmas trees. By the time we got there, we didn't have a ton of time to take the photos, and Christina and I took a few with two to three of us in them. Then, my friend Ryan was taking the group shot, and we could not get Chloe to smile. First time in her life. Christina thinks Chloe is going all "high fasion" and trying out new looks for the camera (as displayed in the last picture here with all three girls). We then had to run to Courtney's school for parent-teacher conferences, and so the first picture above was about the only one we could use for the card that had all four of us in it. We concluded the day with a trip to Win's Drive In, which Christina is now addicted to (for those around Olympia, Win's is a lot like Big Tom's). Hope you liked the picture and had a wonderful Christmas!